About us


Absolute Is Sentient Foundation

Under the eternal direction of

His Divine Grace

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Founder-Acharya International Society for Krishna Consciousness 
(Branches Worldwide)

The A.I.S.F. is composed of followers of Shrila Prabhupada, who used to tell his disciples to wipe out Mayavada wherever it raises its atheistic head, by ripping out its poisonous roots with expertise.

1 January 2021
Dear Prabhus,

We take the dust of the feet of each one of you upon our heads as we bow down together before the greatest prophet and acharya the world has ever seen in recent times: Shrila Prabhupada. 

We are sending out this letter to you with a great sense of personal urgency, for there appears to be little time left to get this message across. Attached herewith please find our book—or rather our collection of articles—entitled The journey home debunked. The fact is that the ISKCON Shrila Prabhupada visualized is in trouble. And it is up to each of us as devotees—as personal servants of Shri Guru and Gauranga—to do something about this peril to his Society by speaking up.

It was Shrila Prabhupada alone who brought us Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s sankirtana-yagna as the yuga-dharma, to save the entire world. Based upon the highest philosophy as contained in all Puranic lore—the Shrimad-Bhagavatam—Krishna consciousness as presented by Shrila Prabhupada contains every facet of India’s personal Vedic civilization. As shown by the founder-acharya, Krishna consciousness is based upon the supreme Vaishnava principles contained within the realms of sanatana dharma

Therefore, by introducing this wonderful personal philosophy, Shrila Prabhupada gifted a genuine conception of religion to the entire world. So, in this way, Shrila Prabhupada has actually saved the planet through his stupendous transcendental contributions as an offering at the lotus feet of his spiritual master. It is no secret that his message of pure devotional service has been explicitly detailed in his bona fide translations of Sanskrit and Bengali Gaudiya Vaishnava literature.

Yet today, that works of Shrila Prabhupada are under attack. With great stealth, Kali has crept into the sanctum sanctorum of Shrila Prabhupada’s Krishna conscious ashrams. The future of his movement as he visualized it is in danger.

Therefore, on behalf of the A.I.S.F., we are sending you herewith The journey home debunked, Kaliya Mardana dasa Brahmachary’s collection of articles which exposes chapter-by-chapter Radhanatha Swami’s tired rehash of Mayavada in his book The Journey Home, Today due to many such Mayavadic “contributions” to Prabhupada’s programmes  that neophytes in ISKCON cannot differentiate between a genuine acharya and an imitation poser. Many so-called “babajis” of Vrindavana, and elsewhere, are merely demonic atheists who only represent the four sinful fangs of Kali Yuga: meat-eating, illicit sex, intoxication and mental speculation.

We ask that you study the enclosed collection of articles, make up your own minds, and then—if you agree—please share The journey home debunked, widely with sincere devotees who you know everywhere.

At the 1936 Shri Vyasa Puja celebration of his spiritual master, Shrila Prabhupada, or Abhaya Charanaravinda, the Kavi of Gaudiya Math, wrote a famous poem:

Adore adore ye all
The happy day,
Blessed than heaven,
Sweeter than May,

When he appeared at Puri,
The holy place,
My Lord and Master,
His Divine Grace.

Oh! my Master
The evangelic angel,
Give us Thy light,
Light up Thy candle.

Struggle for existence,
A human race.
The only hope,
His Divine Grace

Misled we are,
All going astray.
Save us, Lord,
Our fervent pray.

Wonder Thy ways
To turn our face.
Adore Thy feet,
Your Divine Grace.

Forgotten Krishna,
We fallen souls,
Paying most heavy
The illusion's toll.

Darkness around,
All untrace.
The only hope,
His Divine Grace.

Message of service
Thou hast brought.
A healthful life
As Chaitanya wrought.

Unknown to all,
It's full of brace.
That's your gift,
Your Divine Grace

Absolute is sentient,
Thou hast proved,
Impersonal calamity
Thou hast removed.

This gives us a life
Anew and fresh.
Worship Thy feet,
Your Divine Grace,

Had you not come,
Who had told
The message of Krishna,
Forceful and bold?

That's your right.
You have the mace.
Save me of alien,
Your Divine Grace.

The line of service
As drawn by you
Is pleasing and healthy
As morning dew.

The oldest of all,
But in new dress.
Miracle done,
Your Divine Grace

Shrila Prabhupada took to heart the actual message of his spiritual master by dedicating his every breath to pleasing Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura.. He never changed anything, but considered himself a mere eternal servant of his spiritual master. With such a great conviction and faith in the great chain of the Gaudiya sampradaya, he sailed off penniless to America in 1965 and succeeded in spreading Krishna consciousness all over the world in merely a dozen years.

Yet, establishing the world order of genuine dharma was a lonesome, difficult,  and single-handed battle for Shrila Prabhupada, because Kali fought back at every step. That is why in 1969 Shrila Prabhupada himself composed this verse for his disciples to recite many times daily. His Divine Grace made recitation of this prayer mandatory the moment he noted elements of Mayavada creeping into his Society:

namaste saraswati deve gaura-vani-pracharine
nirvishesha-shunyavadi pashchatya-desha-tarine

“Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami. You are kindly preaching the message of Lord Caitanya and delivering the Western countries, which are filled with impersonalism and voidism.”

Notice the emphasis on service to Shri Guru with the words “namaste saraswati deve” which emphasizes obedience to the great chain of the sampradaya as the number one priority. And by following the previous acharya, genuine Godliness abounds as the divine message of Lord Shri Chaitanya is revealed. As devotees, we must preach openly and in a manner that is straight-forward and pleasing to the previous acharya. In his Introduction to his Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Prabhupada introduced the disciplic succession by delineating and naming each previous acharya of the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya. It is noteworthy that none of the Mayavadi yogis in The Journey Home have anything like a sampradaya behind them. Not one—for they were all ambitious characters trying to sell some invented technique with their own charisma. Yet as long as there are fools to fall for the charade of rascals, then the show will go on. But for the genuine disciple, such foolishness ends when the bona fide spiritual master opens his eyes with the torchlight of knowledge.

As we see in the words paschatya deshatarine, Mayavada and Shunyavada are especially prominent in the West. Yet, today false concepts of proprietary enjoyment, the result of impersonalism, have infected each and every so-called “civilization” of the earth. Anyone who considers himself an enjoyer of the Lord’s property is identified as a thief by Krishna Himself in His instructions to Arjuna, for only Shri Krishna is the Enjoyer, and we infinitesimal jiva souls are His eternal servants. Since Mayavada infiltration is the greatest contributing factor to this lack of proper understanding of Krishna consciousness (and is the root cause of minimizing His genuine servant, the founder-acharya) the Vaishnava shastras forbid even a minute of their poisonous association.

As you will see throughout the pages of our The Journey Home Debunked, impersonalism is a very deadly weapon that Kali uses to send his victims to hell by destroying from within its victims any semblance of genuine love for Krishna. Through false notions of “becoming God” the Mayavadi reaps bitter fruits in the karmic cycle of birth and death. Just as Ravana dresses as an ascetic arrived in Panchavati to kidnap Mother Sita, so the villain Kali attires himself in the dress of an orange-robed Mayavadi sadhu in order to cheat the gullible public. Such villainous “Ravana Swamis” are nothing more than camp robbers who enter the ashram to steal every last ounce of genuine bhakti from the devotees. And they do that by replacing pure love of Godhead with mundane hero worship, sentimentality, mundane humanitarianism, witty-sounding motivational pep talks, cult mentality, church-ism, and finally initiation into a cold and impersonal structure of bricks and mortar.

At other times, Kali comes with the pretense of nourishment dressed up as some falsely-gorgeous Putana witch. Whenever such motivational gurus who offer hollow, meaningless counsel, are confused with the bona fide acharya, it is a strong indication that any impersonal “bridge preaching over troubled waters” has collapsed in the middle of the stream sending any pedestrians on that path to their doom. Yet, with Radhanatha’s The Journey Home having been translated into over a dozen languages, and enthusiastically hawked at ISKCON events, that is exactly what has happened to many. If this dilemma caused by the tired members of the GBC is not corrected immediately, then ISKCON as visualized by the Founder-Acharya will cease to exist.

Kali dons all sorts of false cloaks when he presents his own legerdemain of false reflections of genuine truth. In all his guises Kali is the villain of the age, but by the power of the Holy Names and by strictly following the precepts of Shrila Prabhupada, genuine Krishna consciousness will prevail. The gross infiltration of Mayavada into Prabhupada’s movement by a handful of ungrateful disciples—guru-drohis—must be put to an end because the poison is rapidly spreading.  There is no other recourse—the GBC must act now and save the Society they are avowed to protect on behalf of the Founder-Acharya. There is little time because the world is heading towards certain disaster.

There is nothing more adorned nor adored than Truth Himself, for that Supreme Beauty of transcendental genuineness and complete honesty is personified as none other than Bhagavan Shri Krishna, whose Holy Names uplift the world. Shri Krishna alone is the divine Object of worship for the devotee. The Supreme Personality of Godhead can never be some illusory void, or imaginary “oneness.” These are deluded conceptions of God that are false at the core, yet which comprise the speculative and manufactured doctrines of each one the bogus Ravana yogis with whom Radhanatha consorts in The Journey Home.

Shrila Prabhupada tirelessly fought against Mayavada by directing thousands of verbal assaults against such soul-killing evils that have fool confounded jivas into temporary melodramas of false enjoyment. Any association with impersonalists offers nothing more than another padlock on the unending chains of samsara. For this reason, Shrila Prabhupada took aboard everyone on his Hare Krishna Noah’s Ark—except for the impersonalists whom he tossed overboard and into the waves below. And he defeated each one with his acute Gaudiya Vaishnava logic, reason, and even humor.

The bona fide acharya is like a great shark that is always feared by the Mayavadi minnows, because he can devour them with only a single bite. But now, with the current invasion of Mayavada into ISKCON led by Radhanatha and supported by the GBC, many devotees have been left out in the cold to wonder whether behind the bricks and mortar there are any sharks left to swim in the currents of ISKCON’s leadership. Or has the GBC, which is standing up to Mayavada like a bevy of eunuchs, lost its teeth altogether in what was once a fight against false philosophies?

Nowadays, many of the very rascals Shrila Prabhupada sent running with his Vaishnava lion’s roar have resuscitated from the dead, like deadly, slippery snakes slithering onto the deck. It has been reported that, in some devotee in different parts of the world, Godless Mayavadi infiltrators are today worshiped on the altars of misguided so-called devotees. According to Rocan dasa, editor of the Sampradaya Sun, such things are a product of the “Radhanath-ization” of ISKCON.

Today, a great and dark cloud of ignorance has swept over a once-integrated family of devotees. Stark and cold divisions drawn by the hand of Kali are everywhere. There has been an impersonal invasion of mental speculation into Shrila Prabhupada’s cultural revolution. His Divine Grace gave his very life—and every breath along the way—to establish the eternal understanding of personalism in Godliness as taught in the Bhagavata, and there is much to lose through this suicide pact of Mayavadi association.

As Shrila Prabhupada taught, only Krishna consciousness presented unchanged since time immemorial can save the world. With Kali Yuga upon us, only sankirtana-yagna can be the salvation of the world. The Holy Names of the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna will bring to a brighter and happier future to the devotee through this soul-nourishing process. This chanting the divine names of the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna is the authorized process found in the bona fide Gaudiya parampara that has been so wonderfully delivered to the world by Shrila Prabhupada. And yet His Divine Grace referred to himself as only the “postman” of his spiritual master—merely a messenger who delivers the message of the higher authority. Though himself a great empowered shaktyavesha avatara and current acharya, he considered himself as only the servant of the divine vani of his spiritual master. And in this way, as the acharya, His Divine Grace kept the message intact. It is for his followers to do the same and, by doing so, to protect the purity of the message against the evil assault of Mayvada.

Thus, with this letter, the friends and members of the Absolute Is Sentient Foundation, urge you to become aware of the subversive methods that Kali is employing through Mayavada tactics to creep into ISKCON. It is up to each devotee—we are all individual persons—to speak up. Only by preaching will each of us be able to clear the air of impersonalism’s destructive and sinful clouds. Therefore, when Radhanatha visits your temple, why not ask him personally if he knew that Muktananda was accused of being a serial rapist. Or did he know that the boy god Guru Maharaj ji ordered a hit on his own disciple? Or that Prabhupada referred to Maharishi as “the biggest rascal?” Or Prabhupada considered Neem Karoli Baba a direct agent of Kali? Why are these Mayavadis—and many others—pictured in a book that is sold, distributed and encouraged by ISKCON?

Whatever these bogus con artists named their “paths”—whether this or that “yoga”—their so-called “teachings’ consist of various false promises of promotion into a world of so-called “oneness.” When Mayavadic rubbish is expounded by cads, curs and fiends inside and within the Hare Krishna Temples due to this influence of The Journey Home, then what can we expect next? Will such base and shallow imitations of the genuine principles that Shrila Prabhupada intended now cause devotees to resemble members of a Rajneesh camp filled with bogus “swamis”? It will unless we act, and the time to act is now.

And the only solution is to take shelter of the message of Prabhupada’s sankirtana movement, beginning with properly following his directions to the letter. When the founder-acharya has laid down certain ground rules in his worldwide ashrams—such as never to associate with Mayavadis and to avoid mental speculations—why are these precepts not being followed? Why is The Journey Home vended all over the world by ISKCON? This is not ISKCON—this is a duped so-called ISKCON. Today what is seen in Krishna Temples has less and less to do with Shrila Prabhupada’s concept of purity in devotional service. Every time a devotee is seduced into bobbing his head in hypnotized bewilderment at some carefully injected Mayavadic remark from an agent of Kali, the movement sinks a little lower. Hence this impersonal disease is everywhere with the eternal well-being of billions of souls now at stake. By translating and distributing Radhantha’s The Journey Home, and bringing its author within its circle, the GBC has utterly failed in its duty to represent Shrila Prabhupada. And with payback time practically upon us, a proper return to normalcy must be observed by the GBC by banning this book and all such Mayavadic rubbish from ISKCON once and for all.

Krishna consciousness was created as a wonderful social order to bless each and every sector of society. This divine path is for everybody, since Krishna is pleased more than anything else with the service attitude of His devotee. Therefore compromising with atheists is never required. As the genuine Gaudiya Vaishnava Paramhamsa Thakura who walked amongst us, Shrila Prabhupada has given us everything. Nothing is lacking. Therefore the need of the hour is to blow away all dark clouds of confusion with the winds of purely chanting the Holy Names of the Lord in the company of genuine sadhus and eschewing the imitators in saffron dress. Nothing will be more pleasing to the Founder-Acharya than tossing out whatever does not contribute to progress in Krishna consciousness. No one will be denied by Mahaprabhu—except the vile poser whose falsely-assumed attitude of “becoming God” puts him in the company of the world’s greatest liars.

The A.I.S.F. will continue to expose such Mayavadi rogues, brigands and yoga posers who employ a pack of impersonal lies in order to deceive the public and ruin their chances to become Krishna conscious for eternity. The A.I.S.F. seeks to broadcast only the unchanged message of Shrila Prabhupada. There is no need to add anything new to attract cheap following. Therefore, we ask that you read for yourselves the instructions of ISKCON’s Founder-Acharya in the pages of The Journey Home Debunked as opposed to the impersonal rubbish hawked by Mayavadis found in ISKCON today.

We must continue to remain forever within the teachings of Shrila Prabhupada through adhering to the actual message of Krishna consciousness. Eschew all false idols of yoga-dom as spoken by demons that are repeated glorified in The Journey Home. That is the vision of ISKCON’s Founder-Acharya.

Hare Krishna.  All glories to Shrila Prabhupada, I am,

Your servant in Prabhupada,
Kaliya Mardana dasa Brahmachary