Chapter Twenty-five

The Son of Radhanath—Lineage of the Love Swami

How much has the Love Swami Radhanath’s Nectar Drops and Journey Home permeated the International Society for Krishna Consciousness? Well, to answer that, who has not heard of the Son of the Love Swami, Gaur Gopal Das? Anyone who has never experienced the effervescence of this smiley and ebullient saffron character, who is always impeccably adorned in Gaudiya Vaishnava finery, is either unaware that computers exist or he lives in a cave.

Like fatherm like son

A quick search of Youtube reveals that Gaur Gopal Das glibly proffers unlimited advice on all subjects of material happiness (even though none of it actually comes from the writings of the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, whom he ostensibly represents). Incredibly, in complete opposition to Shrila Prabhupada’s teachings, he even made a video for the recent Indian elections about the need to vote—so that (believe it or not) “heaven can be achieved all over India.” For posers in saffron, Hare Krishna can become Hate Krishna as shown by open disobedience to the Lord’s instructions,. As a stunning example, in the video linked above Gaur Gopal promotes democracy which Shrila Prabhupada called “demon crazy.”

In that video he says that if every Indian were to vote, it will end poverty, end corruption and empower women. It is interesting that in today’s ISKCON that the authorities on relationships and women are sannyasis and brahmacharis. If people like the disciple of the Love Guru want to see women empowered, they should marry one and in that way have a glimpse of how really powerful women are,

According to his glorious Wiki entry (which is probably self-written):

“(Gaur Gopal) is now a Bramachari at Radha Gopinath Mandir, ISKCON Mumbai. In 2018, he published his own motivational self-help book: Life's Amazing Secrets and received an honorary doctorate by Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology. He is one of the best motivational speakers in India.”

Here’s another amazing secret of life that may not be in the book: “You can fool some of the people all of the time. You can fool all of the people some of the time. But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time!” Therefore it ceases to amaze when the public is fooled

Have a watch of Gaur Gopal accepting his “Youth Spiritual Guru Award” here—though we suggest you wear some sort of protective gear since the BS flies at full speed off the screen. Naturally as a “youth spiritual guru” Gaur Gopal received a couple of standing ovations from a packed house of Indian students who would love to achieve his coveted level of happiness and success. But the formula for such happiness is simple: Just speak some mind-boggling gobble-de-gook into a camera, post it on YouTube, and receive the adulation of fools. And don’t forget to show off your confident toothy grin non-stop from one ear to the other.

Gaur Gopal’s true mission appears to be lowering the IQ of the world. What greater mockery can there be than for someone posing as a devotee than spending all his energy imparting non-devotional ideas to the already ignorant public?  Painting ignorance over stupidity only proves in that in Kali Yuga a man becomes great simply by getting his face on the screen or in the newspapers—and not by actually being great. When fame is created via self-promotion, chutzpah equals achievement in eyes of two-legged animals. But living the lie is as temporary as the Maya-sukhaya promoted by self-promoters. Unless cheaters in saffron come clean, a very sad end awaits them. While shudras can pose as gurus before other shudras, Krishna knows the heart.

But since the Son of Radhanatha, the Love Swami, is receiving his share of youth guru awards, it should be considered that an actual guru is one who teaches the science of the eternal soul, which is never old or young. After all, these are the teachings of Lord Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita. But when it comes to self-created fame over at Motivational Chowpatty, the teachings of the Supreme Lord have flown out the window. For the person hungry for the adulation of the world, the Bhagavad-gita is simply a ploy for attracting the worship of the ignorant masses. 

But instead of ISKCON’S ever alert GBC nipping such nonsense prajalpa in the bud, they are following this Boy Wonder’s example and are themselves emerging as blabbermouth YouTube motivational gurus.

Big moment: Gaur Gopaal dasa receives his “Youth Spiritual Guru Award”—or is that “The Batman Award” since he looks more like the Caped Crusader.

Hare Krishna Movement got off the ground and into the world spotlight when teenagers rejected all material designations—even their own “youth”—and took to the streets with mridangas, caratals and Shrila Prabhupada’s literature. The Youth Movement in ISKCON came later after the doggish zonals chased out all their worthy Godbrothers and Godsisters like territorial stray dogs claim a tree. Because some new tactics were suddenly needed to attract members into the now empty temples, the ploy of “youth” was hawked to fill vacant halls. In some temples they actually defined “youth” as anyone who is under thrity-two. Thirty-two! That would have been a very old man or woman back in the early days of ISKCON when the average age was around twenty-one.

But, just in case anyone is listening, here is a very pertinent verse which touches on the subject of “youth” from Bhagavad-gita As It Is.(2.20):

na jayate mriyate va kadacin nayam bhutva bhavita va na bhuyah
ajo nityah sasvato 'yam purano na hanyate hanyamane sarire

“For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.”

But rather than quoting shastra, which the motivational gurus are acting in defiance of anyway, perhaps the best commentary on the discourses of this talkative cherub is one that was recently posted to his Instagram account in the form of the following letter.

“Hare Krishna Gaura Gopal Prabhu,

I got a message from a person who loves you and I quote his letter below:

‘Thank you for helping so many nondevotees to be happy and to find meaning in their relationships—and all this without Krishna. When Srila Prabhupada appeared and wrote his books, I was indeed afraid. But now a man with tilak and saffron dhoti preaches that I can have a happy and meaningful life without Krishna. I'm so lucky! Thank you for your service.

Yours Sincerely, Kali” (The Founder of Kali Yuga)

Incidentally, Gaur Gopal gave this letter a <LIKE>.

In retrospect, what would you do if Gaura Gopala Das, a real live YouTube celebrity, were standing next to you?

“Yes, yes Gaura Gopala Dasa himself only is the one giving the greatest knowledge itself only for the genuine happiness of this life to the youth of today only for their world enlightenment and successfulness only.”