21 May 2021

ISKCON is Headed Over the Falls


Absolute Is Sentient Foundation

Branches Worldwide

With the blessings of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness


DATE: 21 May 2021

RE: ISKCON is Headed Over the Falls


Dear Prabhus,

Dandavats to the Vaishnavas. All glory to Srila Prabhupada. As always, thanks in advance to all of you for reading our book, The Journey Home Debunked, linked here:



It won’t be long now, folks. The GBC is sending ISKCON plummeting over the falls ...


-ISKCON Temples are selling unauthorized literature written by false motivational gurus, and other sinful Mayavadis, whose only goal is to cheat the public and amass wealth;


-The BBT has been hijacked, and it has been changed to BBT(I), but only after exhausting millions of dollars of ISKCON funds;


-The GBC has failed to support ISKCON devotees (who are sincere servants of the Supreme Absolute Truth Shri Krishna), because the GBC has not created sustainable village farms and agriculture. However, they have wisely provided for themselves in the event of social collapse;


-ISKCON has suffered a long line of amoral and perverse “leaders,” who have shown more devotion to their own sense gratification, comfort, and mental concoctions, than to the divine instructions of the the Founder-Acharya Shrila Prabhupada;


-The GBC have introduced a great host of phony baloney Mayavadi “gurus” into ISKCON, and thus have created sub-cults such as Meher Babaism, Iyengar Yogaism, Mother Teresaism, Dalai Lamaism, Radhanathaism, and other devious-isms;


-Gymnastic “yoga” is taught by Mayavadi karmis in dozens of ISKCON Centers. Indeed, ISKCON itself has stooped to become a teacher of Mayavadi yoga to other Mayavadis;


-Gay marriages have been performed in ISKCON centers;


-There are land mafias in Vrindavana and Mayapur where the spiritual atmospheres of both tirthas have been nearly destroyed;


-There is far too much emphasis on mundane humanitarian activities, voting, swamis advocating vaccines, posturing with monied personalities and politicians, etc.;


-Now the pandemic has replaced the GBC’s previous concern over global warming;


-Back to Godhead Magazine, Prabhupada’s “backbone of his movement,” has been nearly wiped out;


-The BBT(I)’s unauthorized “editing” (read: change disease) of Shrila Prabhupada’s books has been rejected by all scholars of the world due to the BBT’s many violations of the rules of posthumous editing that any genuine scholar must follow;


-There are deep divisions within ISKCON based upon male or female gender issues such as the Vaishnavi Ministry, the Man-tra celebration, etc.;


In short, ISKCON is headed over the falls. Let us introduce two others who have been over the falls ...


(L) Annie Edson Taylor (October 24, 1838 - April 29, 1921) was an American schoolteacher who, on her 63rd birthday, October 24, 1901, became the first person to survive a trip over Niagara Falls in a barrel (R) Poster from the 1953 film Niagara with Marilyn Monroe. The film, which explored the destructiveness of illicit sex life, was billed as “a raging torrent of emotion that even nature can’t control.”


After her daredevil plunge over Niagara Falls, Annie Edson Taylor counseled the world, “If it was with my dying breath, I would caution anyone against attempting the feat ... I would sooner walk up to the mouth of a cannon, knowing it was going to blow me to pieces, than make another trip over the Fall.


What a revelation it would be if the GBC would heed her words of wisdom, and stop sending ISKCON over the falls due to their hankering for profit, distinction and adoration. The GBC must immediately cease their addiction to Meher Babaism. This means that all Mayavadic and Shunyavadic activities within the Society, including New and Improved ISKCON’s addiction to mundane welfare work, must come to a crashing halt. The GBC are avowed to lead ISKCON on behalf of Shrila Prabhupada, guarding the organizatio as a genuinely religious society of devotees. When the ISKCON barrel finally goes over the falls for the last plunge it will be too late.


Thanks, Prabhus, for your continued vigilance.

Your servants,

Your A.I.S.F. Team

P.S. Please join the A.I.S.F. by forwarding our letters to your friends and others. Warn your friends on the GBC and BBT(I) of the fate of mental speculators with change disease.