5 May 2021

When the Titanic Sinks


Absolute Is Sentient Foundation

Branches Worldwide

With the blessings of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness

DATE: 10 May 2021

RE: Read all about it soon in ISKCON News: “When the Titanic Sinks”


Dear Prabhus,

Dandavats to the Vaishnavas. All glory to Srila Prabhupada. As always, thanks in advance to all of you for reading our book, The Journey Home Debunked, linked here:





Well, well, welcome to the sinking of the good ship ISKCON Titanic as seen on ISKCON News. From the day of Shrila Prabhupada’s departure in 1977, or even long before that, agents of Kali have conspired to strip the Hare Krishna Movement of Prabhupada’s righteous sons and daughters through Kali’s age old tactic of divide and conquer. “A Society divided against itself cannot stand.” Yet the divisions continue to proliferate as concoctions, adjustments, manufactured process and other impersonal symptoms of mental speculation dig deeper into the once-pristine fabric of a once-transcendental movement. As read on ISKCON News, much of what is called “ISKCON” today, especially at so-called “Bhakti Centers” has almost nothing to do with the original formula for Krishna consciousness.

ISKCON’s foundation has become eroded, while subservient shudras (called “disciples”) are trained only to serve unqualified leaders’ need for sense gratification. And to preserve the sense enjoyment of the usurpers to the throne, thick layers of impersonalistic mental speculation, mixed with change disease, have been whitewashed over the Society’s fourth sacred founding principle:

Does anyone remember, “No gambling or mental speculation”?

Lullabies of doom, and saccharine sentimentality: It is an offense to the Holy Names to pray for material benefits, such as health. Still, ISKCON News’s articles on mundane voting, poor feeding, hospitals, sexist retreats, Mayavadi songs, etc, are endless. ISKCON News is run by a disciple of Shivaram.

Today Neo-ISKCON is so far awash in mental speculation that the quality of the society’s members is but a mere shadow of the original.

For the watered-down gurus and disciples, the organization, and not the parampara, has become supreme. Where, today, is the fulfillment of a self-sufficient family of love and trust as was envisioned by Shrila Prabhupada’s divine eyes? They leaders have become shudras exactly as predicted by Prabhupada.

Therefore, because the once “good ship ISKCON” has become overloaded with the waste products of sense gratification, impersonalism, voidism and mental speculation, water in the milk is the new normal. The very tyrants who chased out thousands of Prabhupada’s disciples, and threw the Founder-Acharya’s teachings to the wind, now want you to believe that they are the greatest humanitarians, despite the mundane and karmic nature of their anti-devotional welfare activities.

Have ISKCON’s leaders not read that Lord Krishna, the Supreme personality of Godhead, is the Air Supplier in Shri Ishopanishad?

It is only logical that when a ship is about to capsize, the best plan is to jump into a lifeboat, and paddle as far away from the sinking behemoth as possible. And, considering the huge load of detritus piled onboard ISKCON Titanic, the proverbial straw to break the camel’s back is “just now coming,” folks.

Everywhere courses and seminars: Here you can become the ISKCON married NERD you always wanted to be.

If you have realized that ISKCON News does not represent the “ISKCON” that you signed up for, then you need to flee. The truth is that some aspects of Prabhupada’s movement are in their inevitable death throes. The exception to this applies to those devotees—genuine gurus and genuine disciples--who have understood the actual meaning of Guru Parampara as it is.

Thanks, Prabhus, for your continued vigilance.

Your servants,

Your A.I.S.F. Team


P.S. Please join the A.I.S.F. by forwarding our letters to your friends and others. Warn them of the fate of the mental speculators with change disease aboard the ISKCON Titanic.