Chapter Thirty-eight

Real Yoga and Cheating Yoga
Identifying Sinful Swamis and Lusty Babas

Shrila Prabhupada convinced the hippies of chastity and restraint during a degraded era of casual sex and “free love.”

It is significant that the large majority bhogi yogis featured and praised in The Journey Home—as documented throughout this series—were repeatedly accused of sex crimes upto and including serial rape. By allowing, and indeed welcoming, the glorification of such sinful curs in saffron into the temples of Shrila Prabhupada, the GBC has opened the door for a new low in ashram standards. 

ISKCON has many times undergone the “It can’t happen here …” stage of denial, and every time with miserable results. The many problems that ISKCON has faced, and which have torn the society asunder over and over again, have all been caused by a short-sighted, inept and feeble GBC that is unqualified to lead a genuine spiritual organization. Judging by their blind support of The Journey Home, the lot of them have become shudras. Any thoughtful leader who has understood what the ramifications will be of encouraging a book like The Journey Home that glorifies sexy scoundrels in the dress of swamis and avataras into the hallowed halls of ISKCON is only opening the door to future degradation of its members of every level.

When the members of the Indernational Socoiety for Krishna Consciousness already have the final words on the meaning of yoga, what is the use of supporting Mayavadic books about seductive swamis and bi-sexual babas like The Journey Home?

Yoga” for better sex has already been enthusiastically invited into ISKCON with the approval of the GBC and their fondness for The Journey Home’s Mayavidic drivel. While the definition of “bhakti” is becoming changed into something that is more suitable to, say, the attendees at the Mayavadi-ridden Bhakti Fest; so the seeds of the slippery slope into hell have been duly planted into a fertile GBC soil of tolerance towards serial rapists dressed as imitation holy men. It will not be surprising when the regulative principle “No illicit sex” becomes conveniently distorted by ISKCON leaders into something that the public finds more acceptable. What else can be expected from a body of men and women riddled with partisanship and favoritism; and who are more concerned with their own positions and personal enjoyment than the state of the Society they are supposed to be protecting? 

For anyone who cares to listen, here are the very instructions of Shrila Prabhupada on the true function of sex and the need for sexual restraint.

Real Yoga and Cheating Yoga

“Thus, refraining from sex enables one to be very determined and powerful. It is not necessary to do anything else. This is a secret people are not aware of. If you want to do something with determination, you have to refrain from sex. Regardless of the process—be it haṭha-yoga, bhakti-yoga, jñāna-yoga, or whatever—sex indulgence is not allowed. Sex is allowed only for householders who want to beget good children and raise them in Krishna consciousness. Sex is not meant for sense enjoyment, although enjoyment is there by nature. Unless there is some enjoyment, why should one assume the responsibility of begetting children? That is the secret of nature’s gift, but we should not take advantage of it. These are the secrets of life. By taking advantage and indulging in sex life, we are simply wasting our time. If one tells you that you can indulge in sex as much as you like and at the same time become a yogī, he is cheating you. If some so-called guru tells you to give him money in exchange for some mantra and that you can go on and engage in all kinds of nonsense, he is just cheating you. 

Because we want something sublime and yet want it cheaply, we put ourselves in a position to be cheated. This means that we actually want to be cheated. If we want something valuable, we must pay for it. We cannot expect to walk into a jewelry store and demand the most valuable jewel for a mere ten cents. No, we must pay a great deal. Similarly, if we want perfection in yoga, we have to pay by abstaining from sex. Perfection in yoga is not something childish, and Bhagavad-gītā instructs us that if we try to make yoga into something childish, we will be cheated. There are many cheaters awaiting us, waiting to take our money, giving us nothing, and then leaving. But according to Śrī Krishna’s authoritative statement in Bhagavad-gītā, one must be “completely free from sex life.” Being free from sex, one should “meditate upon Me within the heart and make Me the ultimate goal of life.” This is real meditation.”

From Path of Perfection (page 44) by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.