Chapter Forty-two

Are They Really that Stupid?
How Did the “Leaders” Allow this to Happen?

All of the programs at Krishna Village are designed to relax your body and soul. Our yoga and meditation sessions are a good place to start but additionally, you can also enjoy massages, long walks, visiting the temple or book a life coaching session to help you manage and reduce stress.

-From the website of ISKCON’s Krishna Village Eco Yoga Community

Keep reaching higher and soon you’ll get to Vaikuntha: Yoga classes at ISKCON Brazil

It was early in the days of the fledgling Hare Krishna Movement on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. A small crowd consisting of both the curious and a few seekers had gathered downtown to hear the Swami from India speak. Hardly a handful of initiates sat among them. After his morning talk to the gathering of disenfranchised beatniks, coffee shop philosophers and hippies coming down from their acid trips, a thoughtful young man asked a question. “Swami,” he began slowly, “What is the actual goal of life?”

The wise guru replied, “Simply perform several hours of yoga exercises each morning. First begin with Surya Namaskara and then twist your body into a pretzel and walk on your fingers.”

Later one of the initiates privately inquired of his guru, “Swamiji, why did you preach about hatha yoga today instead of your usual lecture on Bhagavad-gita?” The Swami replied, “I have decided that we must keep the essence of the truth away from these awful people. They are not ready to understand Krishna consciousness because, after all, they are mere Westerners and they can never be saved. We need to adapt to the modern times and adjust our preaching accordingly. Since they can never rise to comprehend Vedic civilization, we must make a few compromises with a form of ‘bridge preaching’ and come down to their level. If we can sell them yoga lessons, we’ll make some money and eventually they will come to the truth because yoga is sort of Vedic.”

This did not happen so excuse me, Prabhus … are any of you so dimwitted and shortsighted that you believe such a fabrication could have ever happened? Any airhead who might think that such bunk took place is permanently deranged. When did Shrila Prabhupada ever compromise or waste time by beating around the bush to institute yoga exercises into his ashrams? Since it did not happen then, why are fools in the dress of leaders foisting in on the movement today? To think that the Founder-Acharya ever approved yoga lessons in his ashrams means that there is no understanding of Krishna consciousness. Selling yoga in ISKCON centers is deviation pure and simple. Yet today this BS is being shoveled wholesale from the very top, from the staunch Mayavadis in GBC as though this is the new direction in so-called Gaudiya Vaishnava theology.

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, never failed to give the true essence of Krishna consciousness in each and every situation. But now that ISKCON’s leaders have submerged themselves into karma, vikarma and outright Mayavada—they want us to believe that we need to soften Prabhupada’s divine message of the Absolute Truth so that more people will become attracted to some vague ideas that even they (the leaders) are no longer capable of defining. 

False leaders who are destroying ISKCON want to attract the gullible public, even though they do not reveal to the suckers they attract exactly what it is that they are being allured into paying for. Is there some sort of master plan—a conspiracy—to fill Shrila Prabhupada’sashrams with spiritual dimwits to hammer in the final death knell of ISKCON?  In other words, shifting the emphasis to a fuzzy line that is “sort of Vedic” is nothing less than cheating the public out of the most precious gift imaginable—the golden opportunity to become Krishna conscious that Shrila Prabhupada gave the world. Not only is this yoga emphasis cheating the public, it is also cheating the genuine devotees. And—worst of all—this false yoga rubbish in ISKCON is directly cheating the pure devotee spiritual master Shrila Prabhupada, who is none other than Lord Shri Krishna’s directly empowered representative. 

By filling the Hare Krishna temples with amateurish and incompetent Mayavadi so-called “yogis” who are actually Kali’s representatives in the dress of Vaishnavas—the GBC is simply continuing with its devious programme of chasing the real devotees away from the Hare Krishna Movement.

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The young Gaudiya Vaishnava ascetic known as Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati emerged after years of tapasya from his Mayapura straw hut wherein he had chanted one billion divine names of the Supreme Lord, the Hare Krishna mahamantra. Now the ascetic pure devotee would engage his energies in founding the Gaudiya Math, the parent organization that would in time sweep the entire world with a new and elevated consciousness of sanatana dharma. Some inquisitive persons drew near him to learn of his plans and to understand his realizations. Did he instruct them, “Every morning get up and put on your yoga clothes for performing yoga asanas for four hours. There is no other way to take care of your spiritual aspirations.”

Again who is there anyone out there who so stupid to believe that such a conversation could ever have taken place with the founder-acharya of Gaudiya Math? Did Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura ever build a yoga room in any Gaudiya Math temple? Since no such enterprise was ever authorized by the Guru Maharaja of Shrila Prabhupada, why this is yoga being enthusiastically promoted in today’s ISKCON? Is ISKCON more advanced than the spiritual organization that was conceived by the spiritual master of Shrila Prabhupada? Has the GBC transcended their Grand Guru Maharaja?

From the ISKCON London site  which reads “Experience a relaxing evening of #yoga & #meditation to relieve #stress and kick start your week feeling refreshed! Incorporate a simple & easy yoga regime in your daily routine.  #spirituality #fitness #healthylifestyle #mindfulness #mantra #wisdom #detox

Yoga exercises are spreading like the plague in ISKCON while the GBC hums a lullaby of ignorance. Though what passes as “yoga” is profitable, it is merely a bald face lie that the GBC is ramming down the throats of the world at large. ISKCON’s Governing Body is merchandising a spurious bill of goods like a smuggler falsifying his contraband with forged labels. Only some absolute moron would think that yoga exercizes were ever a part of the Gaudiya parampara at any stage. But apparently it takes such lamebrains to lead today’s Krishna consciousness movement because bhogi yogis in the form of sexy shudra sense gratifiers have invaded ISKCON centers all over the world

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The Puri magistrate had taken an early retirement to settle in Nabadwip. He knew he had been empowered to re-establish the Gaudiya sampradaya in its intended form by chasing out the influx of sahajiyas and Mayavadis. He had left his career to now explain the true meaning of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s divine teaching to the world. To do this he knew that he would need to write songs of devotion and popularize them among the devotees. This emphasis on bhajan and kirtan would eventually result in a resurgence of awakened consciousness for the coming Golden Age of sankirtana. The Thakura took out his pen and a sheet of paper and began writing, “O brothers and sisters, relieve stress through standing on your heads.”

Learn anatomy at Australia ISKCON’s Krishna Village. From the site:  “Full immersion program that spans 6 weeks, living in a fascinating, vibrant community of about 75 yogis, travellers and spiritual seekers on an eco farm between Byron Bay and the Gold Coast in Northern NSW, Australia. Nourish your soul with Yoga Teacher Training (Vinyasa style) that addresses the science of yoga holistically including postures and philosophy as well as Ayurveda, Kirtan, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, meditation and mindfulness.”

Wha-a-a-at? Is there any dolt out there in Krishna-land who could ever believe such a farce? Krishna consciousness is based upon glorifying the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna through public chanting of His holy names and worship of His Deity,   and not by twisting the body into strange positions. Why then is the GBC fraudulently imposing this baloney upon the public to whom they are really obligated to preach the truth? These frauds are cheating not only the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON but the entire disciplic succession by making a grand farce out of Krishna consciousness

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The Gaudiya sampradaya had been criticized by other sampradayas because the followers of Mahaprabhu had no strict commentary on the Vedanta Sutra. The duty of composing the commentary fell upon the shoulders of Shrila Vishvanatha Chakravarti's disciple Shrila Baladeva Vidyabhushana, but how could he do it? He simply surrendered himself before the Deity of Shri Govindaji at Jaipur, the very Shri Krishna Deity of Shrila Rupa Goswami. And lo and behold the Deity Himself spoke Govinda Bhashya to Acharya Baladeva. Govindaji said, “Simply write about bending the body this way and that way so that people can become wholistic. When they are relaxed, they will be able to face life’s challenges with a newfound sense of inner joy. What else is required?”

Is there any blockhead who would accept such nonsense? Surely not you—unless maybe you happen to be one of the current so-called “leaders” of Shrila Prabhupada’s Krishna consciousness movement. Where has performing yoga exercises ever been a part of the teachings of the literature of Gaudiya Vaishnava theology? Have any other sampradayas demanded that the Gaudiyas re-invent themselves to become bona fide? No, because the silly yoga that is taught in ISKCON centers today has never been part of any bona fide Vaishnava lineage. Yet today in ISKCON yoga baloney is presented as though the previous acharyas accepted physical exercises as “Vedic,” Prabhus, the leaders of the Hare Krishna Movement are lying to you. They are trying to destroy Prabhupada’s movement by poisoning it with Mayavada and false mundane doctrines dressed as “yoga.” 

* * * *

Lord Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu sat before the vastly learned Shri Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya who was explaining his views on the Vedanta Sutra. The Lord replied, “My dear Sir, the real goal of all learning including athāto brahma jijñāsā is hatha-yoga. Only by finding your yogi tribe and nourishing your soul through finding your inner yogi can you understand the Absolute Truth.”

What fool or rascal would think such blasphemy ever happened? Such ideas are ludicrous and there is no need for a devotee to take to extraneous yoga exercises.  There was never any instance whatsoever wherein Lord Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu injected yoga exercises into the sampradaya that has originated from Him. 

Why then has the GBC encouraged ISKCON temple presidents all over the world to introduce this Rascal Yoga into the temples of Shrila Prabhupada where Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is supposed to be worshiped?  Genuine submission to the divine will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His subsequent acharyas means to follow their examples—not to re-invent, concoct and change the teaching to suit your whims.

And the Yoga Course at ISKCON’s “Krishna Village Eco Yoga Community” is Yoga Alliance accredited. Yes, the new ISKCON needs to seek its accreditations from karmis. Photo credit

Contaminating Shrila Prabhupada’s movement with things that do not belong there including hatha yoga in his ISKCON centers is a deviation as much as any of the spurious speculations recited above. Teaching hatha yoga in ISKCON centers is a deviation on par equal to the false acharyas demanding divine worship within the very ashrams of the Founder-Acharya; or appointing child molesters as teachers in ISKCON Gurukulas; or tossing away millions of the Society’s dollars on lawsuits to defend illegally changed books—all of which has chased away Shrila Prabhupada’s sincere disciples 

Shrila Prabhupada gave the same message as each of his successor acharyas: all you need to perfect yourself is the highest form of yoga which is bhakti. Perhaps the members of the GBC have become old and have forgotten these essential points of Krishna consciousness. Therefore, we will take this opportunity to remind those of you on the GBC who are not yet completely senile that loving devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead Shri Krishna through the blessings of the pure devotee spiritual master is the perfectional stage of all forms of yoga, tapasya, yagna and dharma

As long as the devotees are being misled by mundane imitation yoga tripe as propagated in The Journey Home; as long as this deplorable Mayavadic influence looms over ISKCON, then Krishna consciousness and the centers will be filled with New Age Mayavadis. And that is the situation in today’s Hare Krishna centers … because maybe it was planned to be that way.

A meeting of ISKCON’s GBC Yoga Masters—masters of turning Prabhupada’s message of pure devotion into Maavadic mundane physical exercises. “And from the other side of the room a loud voice was raised saying, “Hey Radhanatha, your damned book is bogus.” (Well, that was heard only in my dreams),6868/