Preface to Volume Three
Mayavada - Your Ticket to Hypocrisy

We remain hopeful that the research funds that has been poured into this project by the Rocky Feller’s Foundation has been worthwhile. For example, it took over fifteen seconds of man hours to discover the numerous sexual allegations against a large number of imitation swamis featured in The Journey Home. Shrila Prabhupada personally condemned these impostors who preached their own hackneyed forms of pseudo-Mayavada in the 60s to some of the world’s dumbest and most gullible people—something Americans are famous all over the world for. But in ISKCON today if a swami presents a book filled with Mayavadi criminals, government agents and rapists the neophyte disciples and cult members shamefully drink it down like Jonestown Kool-Aid.

As one reader of these pages commented in a correspondence, “Since it is so dead easy to uncover what insincere cutthroat scoundrels so many of these teeny tiney Ravanas are, it is a wonder that the leading ladies of ISKCON have not spoken out about this fraud. Many of these men kept prostitutes or raped girls who were practically children. Naturally it is very nice whenever ladies should feel the need to stand up for their rights. I think that they will all agree thatit is the God-given right that young girls should not be raped by scoundrel yogis who are glorified in today’s New ISKCON Movement. But why is there no voice raised by the usually outspoken “Vaishnavi Ministry Women” of ISKCON, a few leaders of which are on the Giverning Body Commission. Has the GBC no shame at all, that this horrible outrage of glorifying rapists—unthinkable during the advent of His Divine Grace—is allowed today? 

Since the women’s lobbies and feministics throughout worldwide ISKCON are naturally in favour of ladies’ rights as their number one priority, why then are the higher echelon ladies not speaking up? They are very verbal on subjects on why they should be guru, but when a bogus guru appears they become his lap dog and sing his praises while he pours the poison of Mayavada down their throats. Some of them are the first to point a bony index finger and accuse anyone of latent misogyny who has the audacity to ask such women the definition of “guru.”

Many of these so-called “leaders” in ISKCON who are super-feminists and are first-class swami-supporters—are also associated with The Journey Home. Mothers, is there not somehing greatly hypocritical when such super-shrill feminists so gratuitously support selling a book with pictures of multiple rapists in it—and within the very sactuary of Shrila Prabhupada. Such hypocrisy is truly shameful and offensive and needs a strong dose of prayaschitta from all who have had the unmitigated chutzpah to support this outrageous invasioun of Mayavada into Shrila Prabhupada’s ISKCON. Any reader of Radhanatha’s yoga klassik can see that the American Swami’s “Thank You” section at the end of his fantasy tales reads like a Who’s Who of prestigious inmates at the Change Disease ward. 

Where is the “As It Is” spirit of Arjuna? Are there no Vaishnava men sitting any longer on the GBC or only another set of plotters? Are the leaders of ISKCON men, or are they brazen eunuchs? Any so-called “man” should be outraged that the stories of rapists who have exploited countless women and girls are sold in ISKCON. Did notn the so-called “Vaishnavas” on the GBC learn anything from shelling out millions of the spiritual master’s dollars in legal payments when many of the teachers they had screened and supported turned out to be first-class, long-term child molesters? So how have these pictures of rapists been allowed to circulate in the thirteen languages in which The Journey Home has been printed and distributed worldwide under thenose of the Council of Eunuchs? It appears that in many ISKCON so-called “ashrams” nowadays while money talks, yoga dollars and motivational rupees scream when the soul is sold for a few million likes on Youtube.

So where are your gender rights and New Age spirit when ISKCON performs lesbian weddings?   What will be next for ISKCON when it is already selling against the express orders of the spiritual master pictures of scoundrels who are serial rapists of young girls?  Or when ruining the lives of women in other ways—such as Swamis alluring “female secretaries” with promises of future love? Or ladies espousing either Vagina Yoga or Hair Yoga, and performing their Dances of the Seven Lungis at ISKCON centers? Or professional kirtaniyas posing as Vaishnavas because they have rubber stamped approval to go and sing their bogus Mayavadi bhajans worldwide.

All these are also violence against women, you Fat Hypocrites. Or do you believe that when Ravana shows up on the temple doorstep you should make him a Life Coach (because he is popular on Youtube) and it’s all Ek Ek Ek, anyway?  You are all failures because you have failed to properly serve your spiritual master Shrila Prabhupada who as Founder-Acharya empowered the GBC to follow his direction—and not that of Neem Karoli Baba and a slew of other Mayavada vermin.

So … one more time; what is the meaning of women’s rights anyway? Because according to Shrila Prabhupada the women who have truly fulfilled their rights are the pure devotee ladies whose right it is to love Krishna as their eternal husband. And to join Him in His abode as His servant in that sacred forest beyond even the Vaikuntha of Lord Lakshmi-Narayana; or to even venture past the forest where Goddess Shri serves penance.

The real rights of devotees—to be encouraged to use this life for going back to Godhead and not Neem Karoli-head—are being violated big time by some seriously crooked misleaders. If the yoga exercises you shopkeepers sell on the internet can be utilized to strengthen the spine, then I am all for it. I am all for it because you are one bunch of spineless failures to have allowed this horrible demonstration of your absolute inabilities to lead have spread throughout ISKCON “silent like a cancer grown.” You are in no way brahminical spiritual masters. You are all dwija-bandhus and sell-outs to the gutter hype of a filthy American sewer. You must all either speak up and apologize to the world of Vaishnavas for your propensities to cheat, or simply resign and go far, far away and perform bhajan away from your cell phone cameras, suckers.

Devotees must take action now more than ever. Speak up to uproot the evils of Mayavada infiltration into Shrila Prabhupada’s family.

-Kaliya Mardana dasa Brahmachary