
Your Time is Running Out
Wake Up, Blind Fools!

Just as Lord Shri Krishna beheaded Shishupala with his Sudarshana chakra, so Shrila Prabhupada taught his followers to cut off the heads of Mayavadi arguments.

Our long series exposing the atheistic, voidist and Mayavada elements now contaminating Shrila Prabhupada’s Movement has covered many of the flaws that are expressed in Radhanatha Swami’s The Journey Home. In this series we have written open letters to several key members of the GBC challenging ISKCON’s leaders to respond. These letters included three to female leaders in ISKCON (Shrimatis Malati, Urmila and Dinasharana) to ask them if the Society they help lead should be selling a book that glorifies serial rapists in the dress of yogis. But the only response we received in opposition to any our arguments was from a devotee in France who attempted to correct a minor detail about a condolence gathering that was not related to any of our statements about The Journey Home itself. 

In other words, our arguments against The Journey Home and its shameless introduction of the warped presence of poser Mayavadis into Shrila Prabhupada’s movement has been air tight. That is because we stand on the authority of the Shri Guru parampara of our Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya of which Shrila Prabhupada is the current acharya. This is a fact and a position which no Mayavadi can justly claim.

Since the beginning of this series, there has been no so-called “leader” in today’s ISKCON, no GBC, no SAC, no sannyasa minister or any other minister, no sub-secretary, no guru, no parivrajacacharya, no member of the Radhanatha camp—nor even Radhanatha himself—who has dared to raise a single argument against this presentation exposing the abominable praise of characterless so-called swamis in The Journey Home by an ISKCON guru. Although silence is sometimes said to be golden, it can also be a very loud admission of guilt. And by promulgating Mayavada in the form of The Journey Home, the leaders of ISKCON have become complicit and very culpable indeed. They have miserably failed the Society, its members and— most of all—its Founder-Acharya.

The reason for the deafening silence coming from ISKCON’s so-called “leaders” is plain. Shrila Prabhupada is on the side of the Supreme Absolute Truth—which our series represents and, bluntly stated—which The Journey Home does not. We are merely humble yet outspoken defenders of the faith. Our firm conviction is that Krishna consciousness represents the Infallible Supreme Truth Personified and that Mayavadis are enemies of this process. We are duty-bound therefore to stand as opponents of all self-adulating glory hounds infiltrating ISKCON in the dress of motivational gurus seeking to adulterate the message of the pure devotee with quasi-spiritual, mind-bending, impersonal Kali Yuga rubbish. 

Kali’s representatives, the enemies within, are very real. But they are easily silenced when genuine adherents openly preach the Supreme Absolute Truth—unchanged and in its original form—as taught in the books, lectures, conversations and letters of His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

ISKCON wasn’t always a hodge podge or motivational videos, Mayavadi yoga, humanitarian activities, karmi schools and professional kirtan singers. There actually was a time when the family of Hare Krishna devotees was a unified movement for the highest social change. Back then the Society was not an open microphone on a free stage wherein any clown could present an attractive song and dance routine for the sake of entertaining and boggling the minds of the GBC and its obsequious minions. 

Recently I was reading an excellent memoir by a disciple of Shrila Prabhupada called My Glorious Master by Bhurijana dasa. It is about wonderful days of an ISKCON that is no more. In that book Bhurijana recounts an event in 1972 when in Kobe, Japan. Shrila Prabhupada had been invited to speak before a Hindu gathering. The Hindus had also invited one Mayavadi named Swami Kaivalyananda on stage with the Jagat Guru Prabhupada. 

Shrila Prabhupada spoke first. During his talk, Shrila Prabhupada—no doubt anticipating the impersonal Swami’s foolish mumbo jumbo—ripped to shreds the monistic ideas of Shankaracharya even before the swami could open his mouth. Bhurijana has nicely presented the event as a play in his book. As quoted in My Glorious Master Prabhupada declared from the stage, “There is no truth to the rascal Mayavada idea that after liberation we all intermingle and become a homogeneous lump. Even after we attain liberation, we remain individual particles of consciousness. This Mayavada philosophy is false. We are individuals eternally …

“You cannot say, ‘I am the Supreme Being.’ Yet the rascals say, ‘I am God.’ How can you be God? Are you Supreme? As soon as we ask this question—‘Are you Supreme?’—you must answer, ‘No.’ Then how have you become God? Just try to understand how foolish they are. Will any sane man say, ‘I am moving the sun, I am moving the moon, I am moving the seas?’ Will any sane man say that? No. Will anyone here say that you are moving the sun and the moon? Anyone? Who will say? Nobody will say this. And still these rascals are claiming, ‘I have become God. We are all God.’ This rascal atheistic philosophy has killed the whole world. So many so-called ‘incarnations,’ so many ‘gods’ are preaching false theories only. So many gurus—all rascals. Take my word for it. Anyone who is speaking against the principles of the Bhagavad-gétä is rascal number one. That’s all. Don’t give him any credit. On every page of the Bhagavad-gétä Krishna is referred to as Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Ask anyone if they accept. Ask him to his face: ‘Do you accept Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead?’ If he says, ‘No,’ tell him, ‘Then you are a rascal.’ That’s all. There is no exception. Know that Krishna is God, the Supreme.”

After this fiery introduction to Krishna consciousness to the somewhat complacent Hindu audience, Swami Kaivalyananda spent some minutes trying to explain in Hindi his speculative version. Shrila Prabhupada was listening attentively when suddenly His Divine Grace instructed his disciples sitting on the stage, “Stop him! Start kirtan immediately.” At once on the order of the pure devotee the Vaishnavas began the mellow beat of the mridanga and the clanging of the caratals drowning out the Mayavadi’s impersonal harangue. Swami Kaivalyananda could do nothing but meekly retreat off the stage.

Later Prabhupada would explain to the devotees, “These Mayavadis think of themselves as Vedantists. Danta means teeth and vi means no. So in front of the Vaishnava acharyas, all their big, big arguments have got no teeth. Just like they say: ‘We are all God, but have forgotten.’ God has forgotten? How is that? How forgetfulness has covered God? That means forgetfulness is greater than God. No sane man will accept this.”

But that was then and those days are now far behind since ISKCON’s situation has turned 180 degrees. In today’s ISKCON GBC Radhanatha Swami rushes to all sorts of political, world peace, and yoga gatherings to posture and pose with the politicians, wealthy magnates, movie stars, politicians and impersonal swamis—ewhile the rest of the Society is jumping into his footprints. Today’s corporate and yoga-crazed ISKCON is riddled with ridiculous misconceptions that are all rooted in Mayavada and have no foundation in anything that Shrila Prabhupada ever taught. Many of these flaws are subtly presented as some sort of revelation in The Journey Home as we have shown in over sixty parts of this series. 

Sadly, if Swami Kaivalyananda appeared among the devotees today, his presence would have been taken as a joyous photo opportunity for ISKCON leaders to posture with an orange-robed Mayavadi—and to discuss motivational topics like “meaningful relationships,” or “being positive,” or “achieving desirable goals,” or “the oneness of all religions.”

ISKCON leaders no longer break the teeth of Mayavadis—rather they genuflect at their feet in order to obtain yoga degrees or make smiling videos in their company.

At one point I considered expanding this series to include some of the missing chapters of The Journey Home—discussing Radhanatha’s languid days at New Vrindavana as described in Henry Doktorski’s sensationally-titled book Killing for Krishna. Doktorski, who himself was a devotee at New Vrindavana, claims that Radhanatha had some peripheral involvement in the dark plot to eliminate a troublesome member of the community. In only five months after its first release, Killing for Krishna has already gone into eight printings. It is being widely read and so we have concluded that it is better that Doktorski’s book should speak for itself, and that we shall remain focused on the central point of this series—that Mayavada has no place in Prabhupada’s ISKCON.

Yet, even more sinister than “killing for Krishna” is one who tries to kill Krishna Himself, and that is the sum and substance of Mayavada. Impersonalism is so devious that it’s only purpose is to destroy the faith and devotion within a budding devotee’s heart. Mayavada means killing a devotee’s chances to serve the all-blissful, all-spiritual, transcendental, Supreme Personality of Godhead Shri Krishna by hopelessly misleading the bhakti candidate through a maze world jugglery. That is why genuine Vaishnavas led by the acharyas of the Gaudiya sampradaya speak out so forcefully against impersonalism. Defeating Mayavada has nothing to do with competing for disciples or proving oneself superior in debate. Eliminating Mayavada is literally a struggle of life versus death. It is a war of good versus evil and of atheism versus pure devotional service.

The bottom line is that impersonalists are no different than the demons who appeared in Vraja during Krishna-lila, and who tried to kill Krishna Himself on behalf of the wicked Kamsa. Such Mayavadis are compared to counterfeit Putanas, foolish Dhenukas, angry Aristasuras, windy Trinavartas, duplicitous Bakasuras or slimy Aghasuras. And it is the duty of all soldiers in Krishna’s army—each and every genuine Vaishnava—to mercilessly root out these demons through sampradayic arguments. Success does mean offering a limp handshake after yoga class to the agents of Kali. No, it means breaking their teeth as they speak, and then watching them run away in the humiliation of defeat, The Lord’s true Vaishnava followers must be willing to show their courage so that no Mayavadi with his poisonous tongue will ever again dare to try to adulterate the pristine philosophy of Krishna consciousness.

The Gaudiya acharyas are united in breaking the teeth of Mayavadi rascals

Personally we have nothing against Shriman Radhanatha. But as followers of ISKCON and the Gaudiya sampradaya we are simply making a few points in this series to back up some reasonable requests. We ask Radhanatha Prabhu to get in line with the standards set by the Founder-Acharya and to immediately institute the following changes:

  1. Wear tilaka at all preaching events. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has said that a forehead without tilaka is a “slaughter house” and Shrila Prabhupada insisted on this standard especially for sannyasi disciples and grand disciples.
  2. Distribute Bhagavad-gita As It Is rather than your own syrupy and potency-free feel-good literature when you meet persons in places both high or low.
  3. Stop all your autograph book promotional tours. Rather, the pictures of the Gaudiya saints and Supreme Lord should be carefully removed from your books, and then the copies should all be destroyed including all those that have been translated into languages other than English.
  4. Avoid comporting yourself like some celebrity swami. Keep a low and humble profile befitting a proper Vaishnava sannyasi
  5. Refrain from being received in a manner worthy of an acharya at ISKCON Centers including Shrdham Mayapur. Vaishnava acharyas do not write books glorifying Mayavadis as you have so therefore you are not an acharya and you accepting that form of adulation is a form of theft. Your acceptance of high worship echoes back to the zonal era and it is an offense to the actual Founder-Acharya who deserves all worship within ISKCON.
  6. Cease all yoga classes at your centers including Govardhana Eco-Village and Chowpatty. Encourage those ISKCON centers that have been contaminated by your terrible precedent of teaching physical yoga to cease and desist immediately. These yoga classes have nothing to do with spiritual realization and only mislead the public. They represent false dharmic practices and are offensive to the actual principles of the Hare Krishna Movement.
  7. Stop associating with Mayavadis including Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Sharon Gammon. Stop attending yoga gatherings like California’s Bhakti Fest and Shivananda retreats in the Bahamas. This habit of yours of bouncing around to Mayavadi festivals is an extremely bad precedent for the newer devotees, and by doing so you have succeeded in confusing the entire ISKCON Movement.
  8. Have all articles about how your association with Mayavadi swamis deleted from ISKCON News.
  9. Stop making those whiny, gut-wrenching motivational videos of yours. 
  10. Order your followers like Gaur Gopal to follow suit. If they refuse, they may abandon Vaishnava dress and give up all pretenses to being part of Krishna consciousness.
  11. If your disciples making videos and life coaching books wish to be identified as devotees, they must toe the line and cease and desist all nonsense videos, speaking and publishing. All copies of your disciple’s book Life’s Amazing Secrets should likewise be destroyed along with yours. Send them out on the streets with cartalas and a book bag.

As followers of Shrila Prabhupada’s teachings and example, we have in this series endeavored to bluntly speak out the truth about the situation of Radhanath’s Mayavadi friends in The Journey Home

-When Shrila Prabhupada spoke, the bogus yogis of the sixties were forced to hang their heads in shame as the sankirtana yagna of Lord Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu began purifying the world. 

-When Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati first pioneered the concept of organized Gaudiya ashrams filled with preachers in saffron, the village incarnations and avataras all became exposed as laughing stocks. 

-When Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura re-established the strict principles of Gaudiya siddhanta, the sahajiyas were forced to dance off into the sunset as the light of the Bhagavata once again shone in its true glory. 

It is the avowed position of ISKCON’s devotees to follow the examples of our previous acharyas, and not fall victims to the gymnastic yoga exercises and mental masturbation of the hopelessly misguided speculators found in the pages of The Journey Home. Those of us who are not sleeping must expose the many defects lurking within today’s somnambulistic and once-great ISKCON. We encourage all readers to assiduously study each and every installment of this series, forgiving any copy errors that have crept in, and then fearlessly make your voices heard above the din of confusion that now reigns in Shrila Prabhupada’s temples. The time has come to wake up and represent Shrila Prabhupada rightly.

I now end this series with all praise for the staff at the Sampradaya Sun who are among the very, very few followers of Shrila Prabhupada who have not been hypnotized by the impersonal two-card Monte and Mayavadi change-up routines lurking in the pages of The Journey Home

However we will be back in due course once we have had time to study Radhantatha’s The Journey Within and compare what is there to actual Vaishnava siddhanta. We close with the advice that our readers make their lives sublime by always chanting:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare