Reviewing this work

How this Disgraceful Book is Destroying ISKCON from the Inside …
And Why it Should Never Have Been Printed

And Why it Should Never Have Been Printed

For the sake of review, we summarize some of the most important points that have been elaborated upon in the previous chapters.

  1. Sannyasis are proscribed from writing tales about their past experiences and The Journey Home sets a terrible example for other ISKCON leaders. The holy ashram of sannyasa is meant for renunciation rather than a for ambitious swamis to ruminate upon their past imaginary glories. The initiate into the fourth order is considered dead to this world. Therefore, any sannyasi’s mental attachment to his previous samsara is considered a deviation from the austere path of sannyasa. 
  2. The Journey Home glorifies many Mayavadi swamis, holy mothers, avataras and social workers all of which only minimizes the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and waters down his teachings of pure Krishna cosnciousness.
  3. Nowhere does The Journey Home quote scripture to defeat Mayavada and establish Vaishnava dharma as the supreme and eternal religion. As such The Journey Home is a useless and meaningless imitation of genuine Vaishnava literature.
  4. The Journey Home appears to equate mundane humanitarian activities as being on par with devotional activities, and as such reveres a cow-eater like Mother Teresa as a saintly personality.
  5. The Journey Home actively misleads devotees into thinking that New Age practices such as physical yoga exercises for health are part and parcel of Krishna consciousness ,even though such practices are nowhere found in the books of the Founder-Acharya.
  6. Sales of The Journey Home at ISKCON centers hinder the distribution of Shrila Prabhupada’s books and other genuine Vaishnava literature by sincere devotees that are proper glorifications of the Founder-Acharya and the bona fide Gaudiya philosophy he taught.
  7. The Journey Home has been used as a platform for other devotees to create self-glorifying Mayavadi Youtube “motivational videos,” which are spreading like an epidemic within ISKCON among ambitious persons seeking fame and recognition.
  8. The Journey Home has been translated into nearly a dozen languages by devotees. This is a major distraction and deviation from their actual devotional service to the mission of the Founder-Acharya—such as worship of the temple Deities, participating in street sankirtana, book distribution, distribution of prasada, studying Shrila Prabhupada’s books, japa, etc.
  9. The Journey Home creates divisiveness between the stalwart devotees and those members who would seek to modify and change the philosophical presentations of the Founder-Acharya. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness has suffered from the plague of disintegration in the past over such issues of adjusting the philosophical focus of the Movement. Now The Journey Home has introduced such controversies once again which are actively weakening the infrastructure of ISKCON. 
  10. The Journey Home has established Radhanatha Swami as a worshipable charismatic cult figure in the minds of many neophytes, which only recreates the dilemma that was caused by the ambitious “acharyas” during ISKCON’s unfortunate “zonal era” and which threatened to destroy the movement from the inside out. 
  11. The Journey Home demeans the gradual and steady path of progress that is devotional service. It contains many fallacious statements that cheapen bhakti-yoga such as Lord Krishna appearing to be speaking directly to Radhanatha Swami from the pages of Bhagavad-gita, or the Ganges River chanting Hare Krishna to him.

Lord Shri Gopala Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead